Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Voting As If Our Lives Depended On It

 I send a little Jeremiad from Andrea Widburg today at the American Thinker entitled The Harris-Biden administration has broken the Pax Americana.

The Pax Americana existed from 1945 until 2021 when America was the world’s strongest nation. There were regional wars but, for the most part, American pressure kept them from escalating into nuclear chaos or complete regional collapse. 9/11 shook that system, Obama’s “leading from behind” weakened it, and the Harris-Biden administration destroyed it. We now tremble on the brink.

After explaining some similar historical examples she launches into a list of current events that threaten to blow up in our faces with perhaps nuclear consequences. The Kingston Trio's song is apt. She concludes with "(This fall, vote as if your life depends on it because it really may.)"

Gentle readers should read the whole post. Of course I am not in favor of using fear as a means of getting people to take action. I trust in God, who works for the ultimate good, though we may be individually inconvenienced. But Andrea Widburg is ultimately correct that we must vote as if our lives depended on it, because it may.

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