Wednesday, August 7, 2024

On Climate Change, Pot Meet Kettle

 James T. Moodey at the American Thinker has an article explaining measurements taken at his Weights and Measures gas-physics test facility that showed that there is no "greenhouse effect" at Greenhouse Gases are a Scientific Myth.

Despite the oncoming tropical storm Debby, I need to go to work, so I ask gentle readers to read the whole article. As Moodey noted, when natural gas is burned, the result is carbon dioxide and water, the building blocks of life when acted upon by plants. But more importantly, tests show that carbon dioxide does not retain heat any more than any other gas. Indeed, what retains the heat is water vapor, as anyone can observe who lives in a humid environment like North Carolina.

It turns out that the source of the greenhouse gas theory was a paper produced in 1861 by John Tyndall based on flawed measurements using seriously flawed equipment. Such equipment would not pass muster in the modern world, yet because of the money to be had from government grants, academics did not question Tyndall's paper. Instead, they accepted it and produced results that showed what the government wanted. So, when they claim climate change deniers are taking funds from the oil companies that color their views, they are simply projecting what they themselves are doing. Pot meet kettle.

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