Monday, August 12, 2024

Taking Note of History

 Once again, I do not have a lot of time today.  The news is occupied with the "horse race," otherwise known as Trump vs. Harris.  Oh, they throw in stuff like "WW3 is about to begin.  Run in circles and go and hide!"  Or they distract us with the current Taylor Swift drama.  Meanwhile, the (formerly) Great Britain has fallen into absolute totalitarianism. C. A. Skeet has the story at PJ Media entitled Britain Is Now a Totalitarian State. Oh, and it is threatening to extradite Elon Musk, and by extention anyone else, who dares to get crosswise with its Minister.

There are lessons in what is happening in (f)GB to the United States. You can find those at the American Thinker in a piece by E. Jeffrey Ludwig entitled Western Civilisation In Decline. I urge readers to read this post as well. But back to Skeet:

We can safely declare, without exaggeration or hyperbole, that Britain is now a totalitarian state. The ruling machine may not yet have the absolute control that Stalin did, but it's not for lack of trying. The British government's hysterical Chicken Little response to online support for this past week's rioting is proof enough for anyone paying attention that it attaches no value whatsoever to Western principles like freedom of speech and freedom of conscience.
Here's a video of an elderly man being arrested in his home for "improper use" of social media for "some comments that [he] made" on his Facebook page. The two Stasi thugs masquerading as police officers are doing the dirty work for a government that, not too long ago, declared that "just following orders" was not an excuse for human rights violations. And yet...
This is where Britain is now, and if there's a definition for it other than "totalitarian," I'm open for suggestions.

To be sure, the (formerly Great) British push to criminalize speech which goes against the official narrative and represents the common sense of the average has been going on for some time. Like Leftists here in the United States tearing up our constitution and using it for toilet paper, Leftists in the UK have been tearing up the Magna Carta. What were, at the time of America's founding considered the "rights of Englishmen" are no longer.

The British rioters have been deemed "far-right" by the state apparatus, and you know what that means. It means the state will be relentless and ruthless in tracking down every single one of them and prosecuting them to the fullest extent of whatever arbitrary interpretation is used to stretch and twist the law this particular week. Their crime is not rioting. Their crime is running afoul of state ideology. The J6 defendants could offer them some legal advice.
Riots far more destructive and murderous occur on the regular by coordinated elements that an honest media would accurately describe as "far-left" or "Islamist," but instead are described by our palace eunuchs as "mostly peaceful." Had the British rioters waved a Palestinian flag or two, Kamala Harris could start a fund to bail them out.
Much like Stalin dispatching Trotsky in Mexico, or a Moroccan gutting Theo van Gogh on the streets of Amsterdam, the totalitarian mindset is nothing if not global in outlook. You might not be interested British virtue signaling, but British virtue signaling is interested in you. Hence, we have Elon Musk, an American citizen on American soil under the protection of the American Bill of Rights, being threatened with prosecution by UK authorities for posting opinions on the social feed of his own company.

You were wondering how Elon Musk got into this story. Well, it seems that one Sir Mark Rowley, Metropolitan Police Commissioner threatened to extradite anyone anywhere who fell afoul of their so-called "laws." Here is how Skeet handled it:

And what horrific crimes did Elon commit that raise the specter of a possible extradition request? According to that insufferable socialist rag, the U.K. Independent, he "launched a tirade" on his platform X against Prime Minister Keir Starmer.
But that's not all. He used his platform to "...attack Sir Keir personally..."
" he appeared to fan the flames of discontent..."
ELON FANNED THE FLAMES!!! an "apparently unprovoked attack on Starmer and the UK government"...

Yes, Musk used words. I remember when people used to think rationally here remembering that "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." Oh yes, words can sting. But proportionality demands that the punishments fit the crime. An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. I would note that Sir Keir Starmer has an entire army at his disposal, whereas Musk has...Teslas? The whole fiasco seems out so of proportion as to be laughable. After all, anyone who doesn't care for Musk's comments can turn them off. I certainly do along with most other social media.  But that is the point, isn't it.  Leftists cannot stand to be laughed at.

This is the essence of totalitarian regimes. They cannot stand to be laughed at or ignored. It is true here in the USA and there in (formerly) Great Britain. They know they are doing wrong, but fear if the citizens realize it there will be consequences. To forestall those consequences, they intimidate as many as possible.  They jail some, put others in "re-education camps" and if necessary, execute still others.  Oh, but there will be consequences. The question is, will the consequences be merely kicked out of office, and living to fight another day, or will the perpetrators be hanged for crimes against humanity. Note that I do not advocate the latter, I just take note of history.

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