Saturday, August 17, 2024

Sincere Christians Should Never Vote for Democrats

Trevor Thomas, at the American Thinker today tells us that Sincere Christians Should Never Vote for a Democrat. He gives some pretty convincing examples of the evil and destructiveness of Democrat policies, and these are by no means exhaustive.

Mrs. PolyKahr asked me one time why I am so hard over for Republicans. She styles herself as an "independent" who votes based on the issues. I thought about it and said that it was not that I am in favor of the Republicans, many of whom strike me as self-serving cowards who have no moral character. But I have concluded that the Democrats, especially at the leadership level, are positively evil. As Thomas says, they are "one of the greatest tools of Satan in the world today."

I’ve reached that stage of life where, on occasion, I’m asked for life advice. My best, most succinct answer is this: follow Jesus, and don’t vote for Democrats. The reason for the former part of my statement is widely known, and the reason for the latter is simple: the Democrat party is one of the greatest tools of Satan in the world today.

Let me pause here to cite the embedded article just above, written in 2014, ten years ago:

To be sure, Americans have seen immoral leaders of every stripe and flavor. However, in the history of our nation, only the pro-slavery Democrats of the 19th century rival the immorality practiced and preached by today’s liberals that lead the modern Democrat Party.
Support of everything from abortion, to gender perversions, homosexuality, pornography, a redefinition of marriage, wicked climate policies, and an enslaving welfare state have made today’s Democrat Party little more than a modern-day Mephistopheles. Instead of magic to lure their Faustian targets, today’s Democrats employ, among other things, bribery, class warfare, fear, greed, lust, propaganda, scientism, vengeance, and violence.
The evidence is, of course, all around us. This is especially the case given that we are in the midst of another election season. Take note of the political ads run by Democrats. How long before we get to meet the next Julia or Pajama Boy? How many times will we get to hear about, if elected, what Democrats will do in order to give out more goodies from the government? Where will the next fraudulent statistics in the “War on Women” originate?

I have wondered how so many people can vote for these Democrats, who lead America astray as did the ancient Kings of Israel such as Ahab. Oh, I realize that Trump is a flawed human being as well. But which one of us is not? I have described the Church as a "sinners anonymous club," after all. The difference is that Republican policies generally decrease the chaos while Democrat policies increase it. While we can never enjoy absolutely no chaos this side of paradise, the party that reduces chaos is the party leading toward more godliness whereas the party leading to more chaos is obviously leading to more evil.

Thomas calls out a group calling itself "Evangelicals for Harris" which until recently had called itself "Evangelicals for Biden." This is clearly a false flag operation, sort of like happens in the realm of guns. False flag operations are designed to draw off support by sounding like people with similar beliefs are also for the Democrat candidate. In this case, the group is led by one Rev. Jim Ball, PhD.

The Rev. Jim Ball, Ph.D., is author of Global Warming and the Risen LORD. For 20 years he formerly served as a senior executive in a Christian environmental organization. The architect of the “What Would Jesus Drive” educational campaign and the key organizer and national spokesperson for the Evangelical Climate Initiative, Jim has testified before Congress and appeared on ABC’s Good Morning America, Fox, CNN, and NPR. He has been featured in the New York Times, and honored by Rolling Stone magazine as one of their environmental “Warriors and Heroes,” and by Time magazine as one of its climate change “innovators.”
Mr. Ball sounds like a reverend in the “New Religion of the First World Elites.” In other words, he sounds more like he’s devoted to the Church of Climate Change than he is to Christianity.

Once again, the Democrats are lying, and that is and always has been their straight up modus operandi. Thus the title of Thomas's piece.

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