Friday, August 12, 2022

A Co-Founder of Greenpeace Speaks Out

 Alicia Colon, at the American Thinker today in her post entitled Greenpeace's Patrick Moore and the hardcore evidence against climate change myths states that:

One of the most interesting persons I interviewed for the New York Sun was Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace.
I had mistakenly expected him to be one of those left-wing environmental wackos, but he was anything but.
He had left Greenpeace after realizing that the group was more interested in social machinations than in helping humanity. He was also the only one in Greenpeace at the time with a scientific background.

I would like to have been a fly on the wall during that interview.  I have just acquired his book Fake, Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom and consumed the first three chapters immediately. Much of it I had known from my work at the Naval Facilities Engineering Command and subsequent research. But there was some I didn't know, as well. I knew for example that in the Earth's distant pass, the overall planet was warmer and greener. Indeed, it turns out that life, including animal life, had flourished when the atmosphere contained 5 times the amount of CO2 as it does today, and it didn't burn up!  So much for St. Greta of Thunberg's claims. Indeed, the so called "pre-industrial" CO2 content in the atmosphere, 280 ppm is near the starvation level for plants. Burning of fossil fuels has raised the level of CO2 to 410 ppm and the effect on the planet has actually been reversing desertification and greening the planet.  That is good news!

The overall point of the chapter on climate change is that rather than spelling doom to the human race and animal species in general, man's discovery and utilization of fossil fuels has probably saved the planet.  There was nothing to stop the continued decline of CO2 in the atmosphere and soon all the plants would die, which would spell doom for the animals as well, including us.

But I think the overall point of the book is that we all need to be better, more critical consumers of the news.  He points to the fact that alarmists and scammer use things that are invisible, like CO2, or that can't be easily verified like polar bears or the so called Pacific garbage patch to scare people and guilt them into opening their wallets to donate, or to give up some of their liberties in order to solve the supposed threat to their existence.

When one studies these “narratives” of invisible and remote circumstances, it is hard to avoid noticing that the purveyors often stoop to ridiculing and shaming, and likewise exhibit an unwillingness to discuss the allegations in a civilized manner. It is virtually impossible to engage in debate as they usually dismiss those who question their narrative as a skeptic, liar, denier, or of being in the pockets of “big oil.” And if the alleged skeptic has employment, these narrators will work underhandedly to have you removed from your livelihood or position. In summary, these purveyors of global environmental catastrophes are definitely a scurrilous and dishonest lot.
" Moore, Dr. Patrick. Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom (p. 14 &15). Ecosense Environmental. Kindle Edition."

Other clues in the writing include things like the words "may", "might", or "could." That something "may" happen means it also "may not."  When people fudge the numbers, they don't want to later be proven wrong, so they hedge with words like "may" that give away the lie. Harder to spot are conflating false correlation with causation. There is a positive correlation with police being at the scene of accidents, but of course the police did not cause the accidents. Even harder still is when facts are conveniently left out of a story because they don't fit, or even contradict the narrative. If you or I did that, we would be accused of lieing.

Here is Colon again:
The real question is, how did anyone ever believe that Al Gore, who is not a scientist, had any credibility behind his monumentally successful film, An Inconvenient Truth?
It has always seemed to me the result of the dumbing down of America and the insidiousness of the academic community. Anyone with half a brain and the ability to reason would see through the massive holes in the film's premise, yet public schools were adding it to their curricula. Al Gore went on to become a mega-multi-millionaire snake oil salesman selling carbon credits to morons.
Mr. Moore's book not only documents the hardcore evidence that global warming is a not a threat to the planet, but argues that we are essentially still in an ice age. While he covers climate change, he also debunks all the other lies we've been fed by environmental charlatans such as Gore.
Do you really think the Great Barrier Reef is dying? Did you fall for the nonsense that the polar bear population is almost extinct? When filmmaker Sir David Attenborough was confronted about his film depicting walruses plunging off a cliff due to what he claimed was climate change, he answered that he was just a filmmaker. In fact, those walruses he filmed were being chased by a horde of polar bears that hunted and killed them for food. So many lies, and why are we being told so many fake tales? The answer is money and power. Greening is expensive and also useless.
Of course, I would ask gentle readers to read the entire article. And until Tucker Carlson decides to do a Tucker Carlson Today interview with Moore, get his book. It is a quick read packed with facts, charts, and puts it all together into one place. And as a founder of Greenpeace, Moore has the credibility to make these claims.

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