Saturday, August 13, 2022

These People Disgust Me

 Yet more on the Climate Change hoax today at the American Thinker. Brian Spinosa seems frustrated when Talking Climate Change with Science-Deniers, Distorters, and Sound-Biters. He points out that the climate alarmists constantly deny or ignore facts that don't fit their chosen narratives. It is frustrating, and one wonders why they do this. These are not stupid people, after all. I once asked a fellow engineer if he believed that SUVs were changing the climate. He assured me he did. So, why, I wondered, did he drive an SUV? His answer was that the only way it would work is if everyone had to give up their SUVs!

Hmmm. Besides being somewhat of a nonsequiter, one has to wonder at a man who does not live according to his supposed beliefs. One would expect that he would set an example for the rest of us.

 I pointed out to another coworker that carbon dioxide had been a greater percentage of the atmosphere than it is today, (I didn't know how much higher at the time) and yet life thrived. So why were we now heading for an existential crisis. I just got a shrug. This did not fit with how engineers should react. He should have shown me where I was wrong, or had some explanation for why it was still an existential threat. 

I began to suspect that there was something else going on.

The United Nations has been one of the organizations leading the manmade climate change push. The paragraph below, from the February 10, 2015 Investor's Business Daily article "U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare" seems to state the goal clearly.
Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism. "This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution," she said.
Historically, Ms. Figueres is totally off base. While the term "capitalism" was invented 150 years ago, capitalism was the way business was done since the world began. When ancient merchants collected their wares, hired camels and people for security and to handle the animals, see to the logistics of the caravan, the entire cost of the effort had to be realized with enough additional profit to pay for more wares, and give the merchant a profit. The merchants who did this took on considerable risk, and their profits were similarly large, when they made them. That is capitalism. 

The change with the industrial revolution was that machines were now used to amplfy man's abilities to both make prducts and transport them. This greatly advanced the profits made by industrialists and merchants, who still took risks and when they were right, profited handsomely. Did the industrialists exploit their workers? Well...yes, until laws were passed to force them to treat their workers like human beings. The problem was never the econimic system, but the people who were turning the system to evil ends.

Marx didn't really want to change the system, he just wanted to be in charge of the profits himself.  These Marxists don't want to take the risks, or try to figure out what is the next thing people will want and pay for.  No, these people want and pay for.  No, they just want to steal the profits from those who took the risks and deserve the results.  And they want to do it by convincing people they need to give them the power to do so.

The UN is doing the same thing. They don't want to change the system, they just want to be in charge of the system, to reap the profits themselves. Oh, and this is the quiet part, if they impoverish and and kill a substantial portion of people, well that's the breaks, right? You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, right? 

These people disgust me.


  1. I am not an engineer, not even a holder of a BA degree, just a retired common foundry worker (cfw) who has maybe a year's worth of college credits. But the one thing that I have going for me is that I am capable of unbiased thought. And my thoughts about climate change, that the so called experts have declared settled science, is that if it were indeed settled science, then those same experts would welcome anyone questioning the existence of global warming as a real manmade phenomena.
    At least, that is the way that I learned science was meant to work, when I was in Jr. High way back when. A hypothesis was formed, and then you tried to either prove or disprove it. And a scientist wrote a paper outlining his or her resulting proof of their own experiments, and asked their peers to disprove their argument, thus giving their work the degree of authenticity that it needed to be deemed sound science.
    Of course, we all know how it really works in the real world. You scratch my back and I will scratch yours. Or you give my paper a positive review and I will return the favor. And we all have a Merry Christmas, and get larger grants from our benefactors next year, either public or private.
    My distrust of the scientific principle as used today came to me long ago, from the medical field. Back when doctors KNEW that stomach ulcers were caused by stress and spicy foods, a doctor came up with the crazy notion that a bacteria was the real cause, H. Pylori Bacteria. He even dared to publish papers outlining his experiments with patients and the outstanding results achieved with antibiotics and a substance to help heal the ulcer such as Pepto Bismal.
    Of course, the ridicule heaped upon him was the fastest thing this side of a Vin Diesel movie. It continued for quite some time, until, low and behold, more and more doctors began to use the treatment, and more and more patients began to have their ulcers heal. Until the results became so great that the medical establishment had no choice but to say that ulcers were caused by H. Pylori Bacteria, and antibiotics and antacids were the preferred treatment for them.
    The medical establishment almost sounded like they were the ones who had made this discovery, from the first time I saw a press release of theirs, barely mentioning the doctor who made the discovery.
    That told me that the science behind discoveries were not so much of a concern, as was the political and financial results that could be reaped by the status quo. And the status quo is determined most often by the Democrat party, it seems. Not that the Republicans are above lying to gain politically or financially. They just tend to do so in different ways, by pushing their agenda in the open that is not hidden, but out in the open, and that they are proud to show it because it will also give the average American more money or other benefits. At least, that is how they frame it. In the same vein, Democrats have no problem using inside information to make stock purchases or trades, to gain financially. They then simply say that they did not do it. And no one seems to care enough to fight them on it.
    They used to say that politics is a dirty business. I never thought that they would say the same thing about science. If these scientists were my kid, I would not spank them, I would just look at them, shake my head, and say, " I am disappointed in you." For my kids, that was always enough. Somehow, I don't think that these people have any sense of shame.

  2. Pigpen, You don't need an engineering degree. What you need is common sense. Your common sense has rendered you correct on all counts. Thanks for reading and commenting.
