Thursday, August 11, 2022

Is America a Democratic Republic Anymore or a Totalitarian State with a Stasi?

 As a Christian, one learns from an early age that the heart of man (and woman, wouldn't want to leave out you gals) is corrupt.  We can not do good on our own, only God alone can turn our blunders to something good.  But knowing this does not mean we should do bad in the hope that God will turn our badness into good.  That would be an entirely false reading of the Gospels.  None the less, I have resigned myself at times to accept a certain amount of corruption from those I vote for, knowing that it is to be expected.  They are human after all, and subject to all the evils humans are subject to.

Thus it was that I came face to face with a concentrated list of corruption and abuse of power in Dale Lowdermilk's post at the American Thinker yesterday entitled Federal government can't seem to get out of bed with China.

When it comes to the theft of intellectual property, some argue that the U.S. is its own worst enemy. Rather than being an unwitting casualty, the U.S. either squanders or surrenders its technical advantages.
In a recent example, as reported by NPR, ten years ago, American scientists in Washington State made tremendous advancements in the field of vanadium batteries:
The batteries were about the size of a refrigerator, held enough energy to power a house, and could be used for decades. The engineers pictured people plunking them down next to their air conditioners, attaching solar panels to them, and everyone living happily ever after off the grid.
(One scientist described the technology as "beyond promise.")
But then the U.S. Department of Energy gave the taxpayer-funded technology to the Chinese government. That wasn't an anomaly, as this seems to be the modus operandi of the federal government.
In 1998, the giveaway of rocket launch/development technology to China sparked an investigation, one that was undermined by President Clinton's subsequent actions — the move dwarfed any "aid and comfort" provided to foreign enemies since Benedict Arnold.
Lowdermild goes on to list 9 articles that described the giveaway of numerous technologies to the Chinese, this in addition to the theft of intellectual properties by the Chinese themselves. These, of course, were the Clinton Crime Family. The Obama and the Biden Crime Families have done much more, and all have profited handsomely for their efforts. 

But it hasn't been only them. Mitch McConnell seems to have had his hand in the cookie jar. Indeed, one wonders how someone enters politics with no real wealth of his or her own, and after a career making upper middle class salary, ends up as a multi-millionaire. It does boggle the mind. 

So, like Mary Shelly's story of Frankenstein, our government has been creating its own monster. If war is the health of the state, its opposite, peace, must be its death.  Can't have that,,,no, no!

All this was, of course, why We the People elected Trump in the first place. But our corrupt rulers, the scavenger class that is in control of this country is determined to keep Trump from doing what the people elected him to do: drain the swamp. They have raided his home, Mar-a-Lago, looking for something...anything...with which to frame him.

As Kurt Schlichter notes at, we must Stop Assuming the Legitimacy of the Corrupt Establishment's Actions. Schlichter is up to his usual sardonic commentary, and really, at some point it is impossible not to comment sarcastically about what one sees goiing on around you:
You are right to want to heave when you see some Republican poobah in the year of Our Lord 2022 respond to the illegal, immoral, and utterly catastrophic stormtrooper raid on President Trump’s home with a tepid, noodle-spined soliloquy along the lines of “Well, we need to not jump to any conclusions and wait to see what the facts are before we act like free men and call out this grubby Democrat fascism.” Of course, the last part about being free men and calling out grubby Democrat fascism would never be uttered by one of these saps, because the idea of being free men and calling out grubby Democrat fascism would never occur to them.
Let me save them some time, since they are no doubt still waiting for those elusive and secret facts that are going to make this latest round of targeting our president A-OK. This was an atrocity, a disgraceful, disgusting, and dangerous escalation of the War on the Normals by our enemies designed to frame Trump and send a message to his supporters that we are second class citizens.
There’s no hidden, secret Trump crime that the garbage FBI and the garbage DOJ are investigating. They spent the last six years trying to frame Donald Trump, but right – this time it’s for realsies!
It would only be too perfect if it really was over possessing classified info, which apparently is illegal again now. Here’s the truth – it’s all a lie designed to make sure President Trump can never be elected again and finish what he started.
While Biden is giving away billions of dollars worth of equipment, with no accountability, and saying we must "save democracy," Tucker Carlson asked on numerous occasions whether a country that jailed its political opponents could actually be called a "democracy." It may be worth asking whether our own country is a democrattic republic anymore, or just another totalitarian state with a secret police like the Stasi?.

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