Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Real Green New Deal

 I have to go to work.  I may have more to say this evening when I get back, but in the meantime, please read James Bascom's piece at the American Thinker today entitled The Green War on Ductch Farmers Should Concern Everybody Without making too much of it, this is literally Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse type stuff. If it was really about saving the planet, 70% Nitrogen efficiency would be remarkable, something to promote world wide. That is what the Dutch farmers achieve. That is what U.S. farmers achieve. But the West's efficiency is not good enough, while China's and India's must be protected.

If Green activists really cared about the environment and human flourishing, they would try to replace wasteful and dirty practices in poor countries with technology from rich countries. But the Green war on agriculture has little to do with pollution and the environment. Rather, radical Greens want to destroy private property, drastically increase government central planning over the economy, and “de-develop” Western economies to subsistence level. Green activists want to reduce agriculture just as much as they want to reduce the human population, which they see as a threat to the planet.
Please read Bascom's article. I will have more to say later,

Edit:  I have wondered what it is about Trump that makes the deep state and politicians want so badly to keep him out of office that they put the Russia hoax into play to keep him out of office  But he won anyway.  Now, they keep trying to find keep him from running again,   because they know that we didn't believe the 2020 election was free and fair, and they can't pull the same stunt again. Well, I finally found out.  One of Trump's first acts as president was to "unsign" the Paris Climate Agreement, and then get the U.S. to be energy independent to the horror of the global scavenger class. They had intended to reduce us to serfs by now.  It is also why we need to elect Trump again. 

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