Saturday, August 27, 2022

Your Call to Arms. Vote!

Andrea Widberg, at the American Thinker has a post warning that the Democrat party message has become quite Facscist. Her post, entitled Demcrats to conservatives: We hat you: we really hate you. Charlie Crist, the Democrat candidate for Florida Governor doesn't want the votes of people he considers "haters." New York Governor Hochul has ordered Republicans out of the State. Pf course, merely calling us "haters" or ordering Republicans out of the state (though I don't know why a Republican would want to live there is a mystery) is not, by itself Fascist. But it is despicable.

It seems like just yesterday that politicians would try to sway voters to come to their point of view and cast a vote for them. Things have changed. In the past week, Charlie Crist told conservative voters he wants nothing to do with them because they're evil; Kathy Hochul told Republicans to leave her state; and, in the culmination of this abuse, Joe Biden effectively affixed the label "fascist" to Trump's 74,216,154 voters (all of whom are actual human beings). Is it any coincidence that, in the same week, activists twice swatted Marjorie Taylor Greene? Democrat politicians are engaging in eliminationist rhetoric, and it's scary.
Well, I guess you can't get any more official than the man in the Oval Office when it comes to getting the Democrat party view about those who don't vote for it. Joe Biden, it turns out, sides completely with Crist and Hochul. As far as he's concerned, the 74,216,154 living, breathing Americans who support Donald Trump are "semi-fascists." The way I see it, he meant "fascists" but thought he could soften the blow with the meaningless prefix "semi."
As a reminder, fascism is a subset of socialism that, unlike communism (another subset of socialism), allows for private ownership of the means of production provided that everything is ultimately under complete state control. Germany and Italy were fascist countries. China, once a communist country, is currently fascist.
Donald Trump's MAGA philosophy sought to shrink the government and return power to the people. It is the opposite of fascism. Biden's administration will allow for private ownership of the means of production if everything is ultimately under complete state control. As revelations about the FBI demonstrate, his administration even has its own secret police. So tell me — which party has the fascist approach to governance?
Once you have politicians declaring that identifiable classes of people are fascists, are haters, and should be deported, you have created an eliminationist philosophy that can easily slip into calling for the death of those same people. I don't think it should surprise anybody that Marjorie Taylor Greene was swatted twice in the past few days, something that the swatter invariably hopes will lead to the swattee's death.
You've heard the phrase "vote as if your life depends on it." This year, it's true. Don't sit the election out. Vote a straight Republican ticket in November, because Democrats cannot be trusted with power.

If gentle readers were sitting on the fence before, perhaps because you suspect your candidate may be a squishy RINO, you now have your call to arms. Vote!

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