Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Vote as if your life depended on it. It does!

 David Lanza at the American Thinker warns us that Unelected Bureaucrats Unilateraly Implement the Green New Deal. Green New Deal Leftists are going through the bureaucracy because they can not get it through the elected legislators. But these people are profoundly undemocratic, and do not care what the polity thinks. He starts by pointing to Bank Australia, and the average American may think "Well, Australia is half a world away. Why should I care?" But you should care becase California has already signaled it will ban the sale of gasoline powered automobiles by 2035. But it was not by a vote of the California legislature, it was done through the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Even California couldn't have done it by democratic means.

There is no public consensus in the West in favor of electric cars. They have limited range. They are expensive. Recharging the battery is extremely time consuming and costly. The batteries often need to be replaced at a cost that equals or exceeds the price of a new car. The cars constitute a fire hazard which requires tremendous amounts of time and water to extinguish, often placing garages and general traffic at risk. Electric cars and their batteries cause greater environmental damage than the gasoline cars they are intended to replace. Constant promises that improved technology is just around the corner have never been fulfilled. The public has generally not shown a willingness to accept these risks, costs, and harms.
Without any consensus, activists seek to impose this drastic change on all of us through the back door. There has been no vote on the electric car. There is no mandate. Yet, they can push the agenda anyway.
The entrenched bureaucracy is part of the executive branch and acts almost independently of the other two branches. Congress unconstitutionally yielded its legislative power to the bureaucrats almost a century ago, while the states are apparently ceding their power to California.
If we lose our vehicles and accompanying travel freedom, it will happen without anyone asking our opinion or allowing us to exercise our right to vote. We will find ourselves in a position where we cannot afford to travel beyond the cities, forced to return and submit to the crime, taxes, congestion, and corruption that drove us away in the first place. No rational person would choose this course of action. Yet this is the goal of the Deep State and its allies across local governments and the corporate world.
I urge gentle readers to read the whole article. Understand that if we are forced to give up our gasoline powered cars, we will be giving up All our freedoms. Please also realize that for the forseeable future, so called "green" energy is a pipe dream. The technology is not there, and short of world shattering techological breakthough, like...say...a practical fusion reactor...we will not achieve a fossil fuel free world. This is nothing but an anti-human philosophy mascarading as our salvation. It is based on a malthusian idea that has been part of the environmental movement for at least 60 years.

You have the power to turn this around. But it depends on your elected representatives taking back their power. Vote as if your life depended on it.

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