Thursday, August 18, 2022

The Invasion of the Body Satchers

 Steve Rose (a pseudonym) has a hard hitting article entitled Stip Calling Them Democrats. They're Communists. In case you hadn't noticed, I have stopped refering to them as "Liberals" because they are not very liberal. Instead, I call them all Leftists. Leftism takes into account Fascists, Socialists, Progressives (the American version of the Fabians) and of course Communists. But Rose makes a strong case that the party calling itself the Democrats, who are after all, now against actual democracy, have become the Communists. And how do we know they are against democracy? Because they keep accusing the Republicans of destroying "our democracy." They always accuse others of doing what they are in fact doing.

Rose offers an analogy to what has happened to the Democrat party

Imagine this scenario:
You have a neighbor, Mr. Jones—a kind old man whose wife died years ago, who works in his small garden, wears the same old jacket all the time, and has a funny but genuine laugh.
One day, suddenly, Mr. Jones disappears.
Several days later, you notice some activity in his place—it looks like Mr. Jones—and you go to say hello. But suddenly, you realize this is a stranger. He looks like Mr. Jones, sounds a little like Mr. Jones, and acts in some ways like Mr. Jones. But it’s not him.
This person lives in Mr. Jones’ place, wears his clothes, works in the garden, and even has a strange imitation of his laugh. “Who are you?” you ask. He responds, “Why, I’m Mr. Jones, of course!”

I have a friend, who was an Obama supporter. We were discussing some Obama policy years ago, when he alluded to anyone who disagreed with the policy as a racists. Ignoring him, I stated that my problems with Obama had nothing to do with race and everything to do with the fact that he was in fact a Communist. "Does that mean I am a Communist," my friend cried. I replied that "If the shoe fits, wear it." That ended the debate.

Just as I consider the Constitution of the United States as a divinely inspired document, I consider Communism to be Satanic. Rose spells it out for us, though:
We’ve been conditioned to believe that communism is just a myth, that it isn’t real, or even if it is real, it only exists in faraway places like China, and anyone who mentions it is a conspiracist who deserves ridicule.

Just like the Devil, the greatest trick of the Communists has been denying their existence.  

Rose then offers a long list of actions the so called "Democrats" have taken in recent years that are straight out tof the playbook of the Communist dictators.  If you say this list also resembles the tactics of the mafia, I will point out that you are exactly right.  Communists are at heart criminals.   How any decent human being can endorce Communism is beyond me.

The most recent raid on our former President's home should have awakened every normal American to the fact. But if it hasn't, Rose is hear to spell it out slowly and explicitly. Unfortunately, some Republicans have been showing signs of being replaced as well.

The Communists have followed the old moveie The Invasion of the Body Smatchers to take over te Democrat party from the inside.

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