Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Vote As If Your Life Depended On It

 John Nantz writes about the latest lie to poison our existance at Townhall.com titled MAFAts Is A Lie. I often wonder if they can hear themselves screeching? Are they that unaware of theselves? Or do the just not care?

The truth is always the first casualty of war because deception is the tyrant’s most powerful weapon.
In our own country, a political war rages. Language has been conscripted by PSYOPs operatives whose sole objective is to poison the American mind. And, democrats have been tireless in propagandizing for their master — the father of lies.
Never before has an American political party allied itself so completely with infernal forces. Their lust for infanticide is sociopathic — it is this spirit of death that most animates their base. They howl against the empty tombs of infants while they prance obscenely in front of churches and mime pulling infants from their own wombs and cheer while the slaughter is dramatized in scenes that would have staggered Dante’s imagination. One must only mention the Dobbs decision to drive the legion of death from the field of discourse, shrieking into a proverbial herd of swine.
Is this the party of truth?
So when Democrats describe Make America Great Again supporters as terrorists (MAGAt or plural MAGAts), you should pause to consider: which side stands for measurable, objective, truths like those embodied in the constitution? Which side seeks to decentralize power? You can be sure that those who blur the lines around meaning do so with an evil intent to forge iron shackles figuratively and literally.
But as to the terrorism question, which party supported a summer of violence and destruction perpetrated by their own surrogates: BLM and ANTIFA? The real violence — from the left — resulted in millions in property damage and death during the summer of 2020. Left wing violence is commonplace and is perpetrated always in the name of the people. That terrible summer made January 6th look like a rowdy Cub Scout meeting. Yet the organizers, as well as the organizations themselves, go without facing prosecution. That single fact proves the political nature of the January 6th prosecutions. And, despite the participation of a few RINOs, like the now deposed Liz Cheney, the January 6th kangaroo court is a Democrat owned and operated affront to liberty.
Does Nantz sound hysterical, perhaps overwrougt? Yet these things actually happened, and more. And these things continue to happen with more and more regularity and intensity. We can expect it to get even more intense as November approaches, perhaps beyond. I urge gentle readers to determine where they can find bits and pieces of truth. Then test the truth against the anvil of truth, the Bible. What those who perpatrate these lies want is your freedom, your property, and perhaps your life. Theirs is an anti-human philosophy and must be defeated.

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