Saturday, August 27, 2022

Pray, but Act As Well

 M. B. Matthews reminds us at the American Thinker today while it is true that God is in control, but we must act.

Some Christians believe we should “Let go and let God.” I find that crushingly cringeworthy. It says, "You don't have to do anything." Committed Christians know that sloth and inaction are deadly; we are called to work against evil, and to do whatever we can, however insignificant, to fight the dark forces that stalk this nation. I must do likewise or someday I will have to explain why I didn't.
God is certainly in control, but He has tasked us to fight for what is right, as Jesus did. But some people honestly believe that nothing will affect them, because, “God is in control.” God was in control during the Holocaust, too. God gave us a mind. He gave each of us a mission, however limited, because we are in a battle for America's soul: As America goes, so goes the world.
The enemy is smart, cunning, and strong. Prayer is not enough. When Jesus went to the Cross, he prayed at Gethsemane. But then He acted, doing His Father’s will. Action is necessary. Something. Anything. Write or call representatives, be a poll watcher, talk to those who are not like-minded, if you can get them to listen. Never, ever, say you refuse to vote because you're unhappy with the imperfections in our candidates. Those imperfections plague you as well. Every person who sits out an election out of sheer pique may as well cast a vote for the opposition. Turning this ship around requires small degrees of turning and each vote is one degree, whether we like the candidates or not.
Pray, pray for our country, pray for each other. But act as well.

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