Monday, April 12, 2021

Corporations Should Stay In There Lane and Out of Politics

Over at The Federalist today, Tristan Justice has a piece entitled It's Not Okay For Corporations To Take Away Our Freedom Just Because Their Not Government. It is called "staying in their lane," and they are waaay out of theirs. More to the point, these people, who have benefited from all that America has to offer, rather than being grateful, seem to feel they have been appointed to rule over everyone.  Perhaps we should use the Anti-Trust laws to break up some of these corporations. Take Coca-Cola, as an example. Coke contributes to the obesity epidemic that plagues our nation. There is no reason they should be allowed to continue. After all, Big Sugar is as bad as Big Tobacco was. Break up Coke, and make an example of them. And make an example of them BECAUSE they are interfering in politics. After all, who voted for the CEO of Coca-Cola.  Indeed, when did any of them appear on a ballot?

As a conservative, I have typically sided with the corporations, but I now recognize that it was a mistake. Being ruled by corporations is worse that being ruled by kings and tyrants. Kings and tyrants may be capricious, but having 100 corporations setting 100 sets of rules many of which may be conflicting seems a recipe for disaster.  The only thing that is half way acceptable to me is having laws by representatives who have been elected in free and fair elections with proper laws in place to guarantee election integrity.  Oh, and those laws should comport with the laws of God.  What is shaping up, however, government by Fascism.  We have seen this before, and it did not end well.

But there are 100 corporations, and all of them need to be made examples of in some way or another.  The corporation was a relatively modern invention.  But capitalism has been around since man first figured out how to trade what he had for what he needed.  Maybe we should outlaw corporations, and encourage small proprietorships again.  Definitely we should take away any tax break they receive, as Georgia proposes for Delta.

In any case, go read the highlight article, and ponder what we can do to reign in these "woke" ingrates. 

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