Sunday, April 11, 2021

We Are Each Of Us Masterpieces of God's Creative Spirit

Yesterday's post was about The Most Dangerous Man In The World, and the fact that he and his merry band of billionaires and oligarchs would rule us by controlling every aspect of our lives. The thing about it is that they view us, those they intend to rule, as interchangeable widgets in a vast machine. We are not valuable because we are human, but only for what we can provide to the benefit of our masters, which they conveniently define as society. This gang, which styles itself as the World Economic Forum, views itself, like the nobility before it, as somehow responsible for providing for the people's welfare. It is the same condescending noblesse oblige that eventually saw the nobility go the way of the dinosaur. I am not sure what is in the water in Germany that causes Germans to dream of dominating the World, but every fictional enemy of the people seems to have a German accent. Just sayin'.

Today, at the American Thinker Andrea Widburg tells us that Leftists Will Say Anything To Keep People Masked. You should, of course, read the whole post for your daily dose of outrage. However, the reason I am highlighting it today is because of this quote:

And of course, there’s that same insistence we’ve heard all year about protecting others. But at this point, when the disease is no longer a pandemic, and vaccinated people are not carriers, those who are vaccinated are not protecting others by wearing a mask. It’s theater. Still, as the author of the article says, “don’t be a jerk.”
But what’s really jerky is the effort to erase Americans’ individuality. Our faces are the most immediately recognizable thing about us. Just that little patch of our body’s geography has 42 muscles that enable us to communicate wordlessly with others.
Nothing makes clearer how masks delete who we are than smiling at babies. In a pre-mask era, the babies smiled back. Nowadays, if you smile at babies, all you get back is a blank look – and then you realize that all they see in your face is a mask.
There is nothing polite about – and it’s incredibly jerky to – force people into unhygienic, useless, dangerous, and personality-deleting masks. Instead, it seems to be part of a concerted effort to delete the American sense that we are not a faceless nation of drones (or serfs) but are, instead, unique individuals.

And that is the point I tried to get across yesterday, but couldn't find the words. We are each of us unique individuals, unique masterpieces of God's creative spirit. And God does not make mistakes. But it is this unique individuality that the Left, and of course the gang of oligarchs want to erase.

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