Wednesday, April 21, 2021

How Do The Democrats Plan to Take Our Guns?

Bob Barr has some questions to ask gun grabbers over at Full Mag News. The article, entitled Will Molon Labe Become More Than An Ancient Greek Slogan?

Barr wants to know, in light of the Democrats apparent determination to violate the Constitution:
So, what will Democrats do?
The mass refusal to accept Democrats’ gun bans, confiscations, or buybacks is so likely it can no longer be considered a theoretical question to be brushed aside. Voters have a right to know just what Democrats have in store for them; whether it is jail time if caught with a banned firearm in their home, or something more extreme like armed SWAT teams crashing through their doors in the dead of night.
Furthermore, how will Democrats determine who owns what guns? Will they leverage concealed-carry records, unlawfully access NICS background check records, implement enhanced domestic surveillance, or employ paid snitches? Precisely how far down the road of un-American policies will they elect to travel?
I'd like to know the answers to those questions and more as well. Oh, and since the Supremes seem to have been cowed into submission, I don't expect them to defend the Constitution. It will be up to us.

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