Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Covid-19 Vaccines Offend the "Smell Test"

 Patricia McCarthy has an article over at the American Thinker entitled Vaccine Resistance and Covid Fear Within Families that points out the generational differences between grandparents, parents, and children as a result of their varying take on Covid-19. In an especially well researched article, points out that older people were still taught the skill of "critical thinking" which involved asking questions and evaluating the answers, which lead to yet more questions. Take nothing at face value, and check everything. As President Reagan quipped, "In God We Trust, all others must be verified." 

It would be funny if the stakes were not so high, but political differences within families seem to fall along the same lines as party differences. Who could have predicted that all those Trump haters who swore they would never submit to a vaccine that President Trump had brought to market with Operation Warp Speed are those who now are lining up like bleating sheep to get vaccines that are experimental? Or that millions of those who support the former President are much more likely to be wary of the four vaccines now available?
All one has to do is visit the websites of the vaccine manufacturers themselves to discover that those big pharma companies do not claim that their jabs can prevent Covid or its transmission. They claim only that they may reduce the severity of symptoms. And as the number of serious adverse reactions and even deaths by vaccine mount, those who have succumbed to the media fearmongering and Biden administration heavy-handed promotion still ignore the many, many obvious factors that mitigate against all four of the vaccines, all of which may have serious consequences down the road when other viruses come along.
Those of us of a certain age are perhaps more likely to research the vaccines than younger generations, and conservatives are certainly more likely to be suspicious of anything the government pushes so aggressively, especially when tried and true, inexpensive and effective treatment is available.
By now, there is ample contervailing evidence that skepticism of the vaccines is, if not warranted, at least should be considered. The MSM routinely lies, pushing a narrative instead of just telling us the truth. A "narrative" is a tool of story telling, of fiction. That should have the hairs on the back of your neck standing up. Journalists should not be constructing a "narrative." Then, there is evidence that the World Health Organization (WHO) has lied to us. There is also evidence that Dr. Fauci funded the laboratory in Wuhan to do what is termed "Gain of Function" research on viruses, which is illegal in the United States. There is evidence that Bill Gates is involved with the WHO in a scheme to vaccinate people in Africa against polio. Sounds great until you realize that polio had disappeared from Africa. And Gates is known as a depopulation proponent.  Couple this with what Dr. Michael Yeadon says about the uses of the technology utilized for these experimental vaccines should shock you.

Now, none of these things is proof. But they do raise questions, and cause one to do even more research. Meanwhile, the death rate from Covid overall is 99.8%, which children essentially being immune, while people over 70 have progressively higher death rates. But even so, the statistics are in your favor. So why the constant fear porn on the nightly television news? I had a boss at NAVFACENGCOM who constantly urged us to employ the "smell test." If something didn't smell right, it probably wasn't. Well, this situation doesn't smell right.

Now, I am not an expert. What I have is critical thinking skills and an active smell tester. These urge caution.

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