Tuesday, April 20, 2021

So, Covid-19 Was By Our Own Government?

Here is a video at the American Partisan entitled Proof of US Role in Chinese Bioweapon Research. In the video, Dr. Richard M. Fleming, MD, JD presents the documents that follow the money and implicate Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, Dr. Shi Zengli, and others. Furthermore, Dr. Fleming makes a case that the Sars-Cov2 (Covid=19) was engineered under Gain of Function research, or in fact a bioweapn. And it is a bioweapon that has killed 500,000 Americans...so far. Then there are the vaccines. The so-called vaccines do not actually prevent getting Covid again, do not in fact do much of anything. And that begs the question, why are they being pushed? While the Federal government has no authority to require a person to take the vaccine, the media certainly want you to think you must. One co-worker asked why another co-worker hadn't taken the vaccine. She had a good answer. But the question implied that any thinking person should want it.

Finally, there is the issue of vaccine passports. No one, neither businesses nor the Fed itself should demand a vaccine passport. It actually would be illegal under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule (Privacy Rule). A vaccine passport would require people to reveal certain health information to which they are not entitled. And once such passports become accepted, other things will be added. Essentially, they will track you wherever you go. They will be able to add something called a Social Credit Score (SCS)(like China already does) that determine if you can purchase food, work at a job, or pretty much anything. You are completely controlled. Oh, and under such a system, anybody can accuse you and lower you SCS. Mention that you have doubts about the vaccine to the wrong person? Your rice allowance is cut in half. Nice, huh.

Fleming also brings up the Nuremberg Trials, and he asks the question whether the people involved, who may have broken U.S. laws, should be tried under Nuremberg rules. Under the current regime, I doubt it will happen.

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