Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Wearing a Mask Is Not Science, and Mask Mandates are a Terrible Idea

Dennis Prager has an article today at Townhall.com entitled Mask Wearing Represents Fear and Blind Obedience, Not Science. I for one refuse to be fearful, and I refuse to blindly follow politicians who, frankly know very little about how science works. Science is a quest for knowledge, and is always tentative. People do not write their scientific discoveries in pen and ink, but in pencil, because they know they may need to erase parts of them. Finally, any scientific theory needs to be falsifiable. If you can not prove it wrong, it is not science.

When I see people walking outside, often alone with no one anywhere near them, wearing a mask, my primary reactions are disappointment and sadness.
I am disappointed because I expected better from my fellow Americans. I never thought most Americans would be governed by irrational fears and unquestioning obedience to authority. I have come to realize that I had a somewhat romanticized view of my countrymen.
Had you told me a year ago that nearly every American in nearly every metropolitan area would cover their faces for over a year because one man, one political party and the media told them to, I would have responded that you underestimate the strength of the American character.

The goes on to say that while he doesn't wear a mask outside, he does when going into a building because others may be fearful. I used to also. But no more. There comes a time when one must stand up and set an example. More important though, is that if you wear a mask, it protects you (and others supposedly.) That is what they always say on those horrible public service announcements. Well, if your mask protects you, why do you care if I wear one or not?

If you wear a mask, you do so in the belief that you are protecting yourself (and others) from COVID-19. So, then, why do you care if I don't wear a mask? Doesn't your mask protect you? If it does, my not wearing a mask may irritate you because you resent my assertion of freedom, my obvious lack of respect for government and medical authorities, and my alleged selfishness, but there would be no rational medical -- that is, "science-based" -- reason for your objecting to my not wearing a mask.
And if masks protect us and others, why have people been refused the right to visit a loved one as he or she lay dying alone? Why couldn't a person -- wearing the same mask a doctor, nurse or any health care worker wears when entering your parent's room -- enter that room? There are two possible answers: One is it's a tacit admission that masks are essentially useless. You were prevented from visiting your dying father because the hospital believes your loved one or others in the hospital might contract the virus from you, even though you were wearing a mask. Which means those running the hospital don't believe masks actually work. The other is that the medical establishment and lay authorities have abandoned elementary human decency in the name of AOC, or "Abundance of Caution." Forcing hundreds of thousands of people to die alone will go down as one of the cruelest policies ever adopted by American medical and political authorities.
Which brings up so called "vaccine passports" the absence of which are used to discriminate against those who do not have them.  For those who have read Revelation, it does sound a lot like the mark of the beast where if you don't have it you won't be allowed to participate in commerce.  These things violate numerous provisions of the Constitution.  Even Naomi Wolf is sounding the alarm.  Where is the ALCU?  In fact, you can read about how Vaccine Passports are a Serious Threat to American Civil Liberties

Please go read both articles, and consider taking off that mask.

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