Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Constitution Was Written For A Moral People

 Watching Tucker Carlson Tonight, I came across a piece of an interview on his pay channel at Fox Nation with a guy named Glenn Ellmers.  As Tucker likes to say, it was so smart.  I went searching for him, and found him at the Claremont Institute It turns out that the Claremont Institute itself is a pretty smart think tank.

What I found interesting was Ellmers' idea that conservatism is dead. There is nothing left to conserve. I have often written that I consider myself a Constitutional conservative politically. But once one faces the fact that there is nothing left to conserve, one also has to face the fact that the Constitution is dead too. Indeed, the Democrats have been killing it at least since Woodrow Wilson. But the New Deal, the Great Society, and other programs have steadily shredded the Constitution, to the point that the Supreme Court has become a joke. What Ellmers talked about with Tucker Carlson that we need be Counter Revolutionaries. Wow. And so true.

You can read Ellmers' article at "Conservatism" is no longer enough . He writes about the fact that the people on the Left, which includes many Democrats, are no longer American in any meaningful sense of the word. He writes about the need to be counter revolutionaries in mind set. He talks about the fact that the U. S. Constitution no longer works. But as James Madison noted, our Constitution was written for a moral people. We are no longer that.

Please go read Ellmers' article, and while you are there, check out other writers at Claremont.

Have you read it? Good. Let me offer a few ideas. I noted Madison's caution above. 20 years ago, I thought we would devolve to a civil war. I no longer think it will be a "hot" war, though there may be skirmishes. The Democrats have learned at least that lesson that if they shoot first, it does not go well for them. That does not mean that you can simply give up your weapons. You can not. But they will not be a factor in this. Rather, we need to become again a "moral people." The fight is going to be on cultural issues such as abortion, or education...pick one and persue it.

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