Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Another Liberal Mugged By Reality

 I've got to run some errands, but let me alert gentle readers to a post by Olivia Murray at the American Thinker today entitled 'Card' carrying liberal professor undergoes radical transformation and becomes a gun enthusiast. As I have been saying all along, the Second Amendment is not just for some, but for all of us. Democrats need it as much as Republicans. Liberals need it as much as conservatives. Which makes the Democrat push for the banning of all guns (yes, that is what they ultimately intend) so very dangerous.

David Yamane’s new book, Gun Curious: A Liberal Professor’s Surprising Journey Inside America’s Gun Culture, hit shelves on June 1, and Robert VerBruggen writing a review for The Washington Free Beacon had a great lede:
"David Yamane is, by his own description, a ‘‘card-carrying liberal’ Asian American sociology professor from the San Francisco Bay Area who, for the first forty-two years of my life, never saw, touched, or fired a real gun.’ The first time he saw a deer stand, he remarked to his companion that it seemed like a ‘weird spot for kids to build a fort."
Now, I’d like to quickly point out that Yamane was seemingly voting (Democrat) this whole time—talk about an offense to the rest of us—despite not being able to distinguish a deer stand from a tree fort and having never even seen a firearm in person. Supreme ignorance, baseless confidence, and a zeal for using government to force agenda capitulation upon others into their agenda? A hubris known only by a modern leftist!

So, what changed this liberal anti-gun individual into a liberal pro-gun person? He had a run in with a potentially violent man with a knife. In a moment of clarity, he apparently realized that if the man with the knife wanted to hurt of kill him or his loved ones, he was totally helpless to stop him.

There’s a chasm of difference between how anti-gun “liberals” and leftists view firearms, and how those who exercise their right to keep and bear arms as a means of self-defense and security do—and I just partly gave it away. Historically, given their actions, the left views firearms as offensive tools of aggression and mayhem, or, to oppress and force compliance with a political agenda; conservatives on the other hand view firearms as defensive tools of protection. One group consistently misuses guns, while the other group consistently uses them appropriately.
Guns are the great equalizer, giving a smaller, weaker individual a level-playing field against someone bigger and stronger who wants to infringe on the former’s unalienable rights...

Gentle readers are encouraged to read the rest of Murray's short post. It is enlightening. My personal reading list is getting very long, but I will consider getting David Yamane’s new book, Gun Curious: A Liberal Professor’s Surprising Journey Inside America’s Gun Culture. If I do get it, I will share my further thoughts.

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