Thursday, June 13, 2024

Here's Another Problem With Electric Vehicles

Olivia Murray has a post today at the American Thinker entitled After skid mark vandalism, electric scooter company implements 'no go zone' over 'Pride' street mural and remotely shuts off device if you cross area.
From Jackson Walker at The National Desk comes the news that Lime, a San Francisco-based transportation company that leases electric scooters, bikes, and mopeds in big cities, has just implemented a “no-go zone” over the “Pride” street mural in Spokane, Washington as a preemptive measure—there have been repeated instances of vandalism, and the mural has already has at least one new paint refresh this month after someone set it on fire...

Sure sounds like the residents of Spokane, Washinton don't like Astarte worshipped in their neighborhood and on their streets. Astarte, you will remember, was one of the ancient 'gods' that the Canaanites worshipped, she of the sacred prostitutes, the cross-dressing priests, and other perversions. Several teens left skid marks on the mural of the 'pride' flag painted on the street and are now facing felony charges. But meanwhile the electric scooter company Lime has created 'no go zones' over the flag mural by cutting power to any Lime scooter that crosses over the flag painting.

But Murray also points out:

As the video above notes, those arrested for the tire mark vandalism are being charged with felonies—you know what won’t get you charged with a felony though?
Defacing public property if there’s any link to American patriotism or “white man” history, or desecrating an Old Glory, like the social misfits routinely do.
Illegally taking and keeping classified documents, and storing them in parked convertibles in unsecured garages, like Stinky Joe.
Using a private server as the Secretary of State for official business to keep the contents of the business away from the scrutiny of other government officials, like Hillary Clinton.
Lying to FISA courts to obtain politically-motivated warrants, like FBI agents.
Recording yourself in possession of illicit and illegal drugs, like Hunter Biden.
Of course this list doesn’t even scratch the surface of the two-tiered “justice” system.
Now, if “them” remotely cutting off the power to our transportation over political statements doesn’t wake you up to what’s really going on here, and what the “electric vehicle” movement is really about, then I don’t know what will.

Please read the whole post. It is short, but a good reminder of exactly what we are facing.

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