Monday, June 17, 2024

Your Own First Responder

Today's post is from Kurt Schlichter at entitled Joe Biden Reminds Us to Buy Guns and Ammunition. I actually like Schlichter's usual style, but I also like this more straight forward style of writing. By writing in this fashion, he conveys the seriousness of his charge, and it is serious. But I will let him speak:

That crusty old pervert and would-be dictator of ours, Joe Biden, told us the other day – as he does every chance he gets – that our firearms are useless to defend our freedom because he has F-15s. I think he misses the point that the Founders – oh, how our leadership has declined from greatness to the staggering, stumbling, incontinent clown show we have today – intended that we be able to protect ourselves from people like him, not to mention the criminals that he tolerates and encourages. Here’s the thing about senile people – they can’t hide what they really think. They blurt what they really think. And he really thinks that happily turning the military upon us if we defy him is a viable option.
Some weak people will deny this hard truth, but this is not coming from some crazy guy with a plot sandwich board on a street corner screaming about impending doom. This is the observation of somebody who’s listening. The alleged President of the United States is threatening to kill other Americans with modern combat weapon systems for refusing to obey him. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are crazy for noticing.
A lot of us have noticed. In a sense, Americans have already voted with their Visa cards. Americans are buying millions of guns every month. There may be more guns than there are Americans, including our invited and uninvited guests flooding in after Joe Biden threw open our borders to every Third World peasant and aspiring terrorist around the globe. There’s a term for when there’s at least one gun for every single citizen. That term is “a good start.”
But we own nowhere near enough guns. In fact, the bare minimum number of firearms for an individual is three: a solid handgun, a solid shotgun, and a modern combat rifle. We can debate all day about the right pistol or shotgun—in fact, people do debate all day about that—but just buy simple and effective weapons in both categories. I’m sure the comments will be full of your advice, and much of it will be good.

Schlichter again makes the point that everyone should have a rifle, preferably an AR-15 variant capable of shooting 5.56 NATO rounds. These guns can also shoot .223 Remington, but not vice versa. An AR-15 is the perfect weapon for the citizen-soldier. But most of us live in an urban or suburban environment where it is hard to train with such a weapon. In his People's Republic series of books, his main character, Kelly Turnbull carries a Wilson Combat CQB. The "CQB" stands for "close quarters battle." But you don't need such an extravagant weapon. My advice, if I were asked, would be to buy a reliable, concealable weapon like a Glock in 9 mm Parabellum as your first purchase, and get training with that weapon. Practice with it often, and pray you never have to use it. 9 mm is still relatively cheap.

Schlichter makes the same point that I have made, namely that if we were actually following the Constitution and the Second Amendment as written and intended by the founders, civilians could be armed with actual, full auto capable "assault rifles." You know, those no sh** "weapons of war."

I want to make assault rifles – real assault rifles – mandatory for every citizen, but in the meantime, you need to go get one of the civilian versions the Democrats want to ban. The purpose is so that you are ready for combat if the time comes. You have the right to fight thugs trying to rape and/or murder your family and aspiring tyrants who want to turn you into happy campers at the rainbow gulag. That you are armed and capable of defending yourself is a key deterrent to crime and tyranny. It also ticks off the pinkos – gun ownership by free Americans scares the scowling wine women and shames their femmy male-identifying life partners – which is reason enough to buy guns and ammo.

Schlichter also makes the point that at any time, any place, trouble may find you. You don't go looking for it, but you may find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. If that happens, you are your own first responder. No one is coming to your rescue.

The fact is you are your own first responder. We are all our own first responders. You need to get guns. You need to get ammunition. You need to get trained. And you need to get your mind into the mental headspace where you are ready to take decisive action should the situation arise.
It goes without saying that part of your training is to understand the legal aspects of deadly force. This is vital for your protection and for the protection of others. Being armed is a huge responsibility. Having guns is essential. So is ensuring you use them only as a last resort where lethal force is appropriate and lawful. Learn the law in your venue before you arm yourself.

As always, gentle readers, be armed with the most effective tools available to you. A gentleman, or gentle lady, should always be kind, patient, ready to help out a neighbor, but also be dangerous if the need arises. Are you prepared to possible kill another if that person attacks you? Think about it because it may be necessary. Then pray it never will be.

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