Sunday, June 9, 2024

MSNBC Analyst Wants A Military Junta?

 Eric Utter apparently watches MSNBC so we don't have to.  Anyway, Utter tells us at the American Thinker that MSNBC analyst urges the military to act to stop Trump election. Donny Deutsch isn't aware that the military can not legally make ads telling us "don't vote for Trump." Or, perhaps he doesn't care. Either way Deutsch demonstrates a nearly fatal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Crazed MSNBC analyst Donny Deutsch recently urged the U.S. military to release an ad campaign against former President Donald Trump ahead of the upcoming presidential election.


What happened to the long-cherished American concept of separating the civilian government from the military? Democrats’ disdain for civilians combined with their control of the military. That’s what happened.

Perhaps what they say, that the Left is getting desperate, may be true. But on the other hand, the Left has been working on this project for 100 years. They take the long game. Why not wait out Trump and then strike with someone who will be in office for 8 whole years? It doesn't make sense.

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