Saturday, June 15, 2024

Hartford Citizen Patrols Display American Tradition

 Here's a gun story, a story about armed citizens, and a Christian story all rolled into one.  It comes from Mike McDaniel at the American Thinker and is entitled Black self defense in Connecticut. Oh, did I mention that it's also a story about black citizens? Sorry, but of course it could be about any of us. The story that McDaniel reports on comes from PJ Media and is entitled Democrat Nightmare: Armed Black Hartford Citizen Patrols Take To the Streets

Archbishop Dexter Burke saw woke politicians gut his city with Marxist nonsense. He also saw two men get murdered near his church one night. He decided to do something.
Burke decided to help form a legally armed "self-defense brigade" to patrol the streets of Hartford's northern neighborhood. It consists of about 40 legally armed citizens who carry guns, wear body cameras, and have drone support in the air.
The self-defense brigade is a liberal Marxist's nightmare. Ordinary Americans -- in this case, black folks -- have had enough crime and violence and have decided they need to protect themselves. It is their American right to do so, but Democrats hate people who stand up for themselves.
“The Democratic machine in Hartford is either unwilling or unable, incapable of doing it, and people are paying their tax dollars, and they’re not really getting any kind of service,” Cornel Lewis, a founder of the self-defense brigade, related to Fox News. “So we want the people to understand, number one, self-defense is not a dirty word.”
As expected, the leftoids -- who pretend to care about black people -- lost their marbles.

The first thing I want to point out is that Archbishop Dexter Burke is a Roman Catholic archbishop. I have noted many times that being a Christian does not mean being a pacifist. Read the Old Testament, the books of Joshua, Judges, the Kings of Israel. Note carefully when these books mention "the angel of the LORD." That person is the second person of the Trinity, Jesus the Son of God whom we worship. He fought for Israel in these books with the sword. He was not a pacifist, and neither should Christians be pacifists if we are following Him.

The next thing to note is the attitude of the Hartford mayor and the leftist elites

Why would black citizens willingly protecting themselves and their community at no public expense be “a liberal Marxist’s nightmare?” Aren’t they eternal, favored victims? Don’t they deserve protection?.
Democrats/socialists/communists (D/s/cs) demand total control over everyone. They reserve to themselves a monopoly on the application of violence, which is why they constantly try to disarm everyone, except of course, the people they hire at public expense as bodyguards. They rely on keeping black people subservient, completely dependent on the Marxist state for every aspect of their existence. Black people taking it upon themselves to do what D/s/cs won’t allow the police to do is a direct threat to their rule. Why, those uppity black people are acting white! Don’t they know their place? Don’t they know everything we’ve done for—to—them?.

But of course, those "uppity" black people have every right to defend themselves, and thanks to the Second Amendment they have the means to do so. And criminals should beware, for the armed citizens are under attack, and no doubt feel a bit like the soldiers in a war on crime and criminals.

The third thing to note is the philosophy undergirding our society. We often forget this, to our shame:

It is from citizens--the public; so-called vigilantes--that all public servants, elected and appointed, get their authority. Every jot and tittle of the power they wield is on loan from the public on condition of competence and good behavior. The police are allowed to make arrests and use force because the public allows them those authorities. They rightly belong to the public, so how can it be illegitimate for citizens, particularly when their hired hands cannot or will not exercise police powers, to themselves exercise the police powers they’ve loaned their malfunctioning employees?


Archbishop Burke is acting in the best traditions of America’s Founders. He’s almost certainly also a model for why more and more black Americans are coming to realize the D/s/c Party has taken them for granted and betrayed them. Is it any wonder Donald Trump may win a historic portion of black votes in November?
Is it any wonder an ever-increasing number of Americans, including black Americans, are fleeing the “civilization” of eastern blue states for the liberty and safety of red America?

The above may sound a bit like the "sovereign citizen" ideology, but it is not. While each citizen potentially holds his sovereignty, in a civilized society we each give up some of that to the "authorities" because to manage everything is too much for any of us. But since we have delegated it to the various "authorities," we can take it back when they prove to be incompetent or unwilling to do the job. Such is the case in Hartford, Conn.

It is not just Archbishop Burke. It is also the citizens' patrols that are displaying a uniquely American tradition. More power to them.

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