Sunday, June 2, 2024

In God We Trust Again

Deana Chadwell today at the American Thinker has a piece on the need to repent and turn back toward God called Denial and the Big Tilt. The title refers to a Jordan Peterson speech in which he said "We need to tilt back toward God... But what Chadwell is writing about is our collective denial of things we know that are wrong, that are not real. But we hope, against hope that somehow these things will just go away if we ignore them and deny they are happening.

We think we can go through life denying the obvious because we have already succeeded in the biggest denial of all. We deny the existence of God. Our schools, in an effort to be inclusive and nonconfrontational, have been systematically teaching an atheist perspective by just not mentioning God, even while teaching math and history and science and literature -- all fraught with evidence of His existence. Even many of our churches shy away from teaching the most basic Christian doctrines. They may still give lip service to God, but they have turned Him into an ineffective cruise director. Even in our lighter moments God is absent -- our entertainment is almost entirely devoid of God, our music likewise, our art is sometimes downright blasphemous.


To deny the existence of God is to deny reality, and down that path lies insanity. And what if a large portion of a society takes part in that delusion? We see the results in two different kinds of nations. We find it in the societies that worship other gods -- the kind of gods imagined by people -- just as mercurial and vengeful as any neurotic human. We find it also in socialist/communist countries -- countries that have traded in God for government. Both types of societies are dysfunctional, poverty-stricken, hopeless places; it is the citizens of these kinds of nations that fuel the mass migrations to this country and to Europe. These maladjusted countries can add very little to the human experience; those poor folks can barely sustain their own existence.
So, what then? I recently listened to a Jordan Peterson speech in which he expressed his prescription for saving the West so very well. He said, “We need to tilt back toward God…” Yes. Exactly. We need to give up our Godless experiment, face the fact that as a people we are incapable of maintaining our shining-city-on-the-hill status on our own. Sans God and His guidelines, His expectations, His joy, it just can’t be done.

In the last quote, the emphasis is mine. But it is probably the most important. We can not do this on our own. I used to hear people say "this country is so wealthy, we can afford (insert word phrase here.) Whether it is Medicare, or Obamacare, or indeed any social program, we could do it. This was never really true. With God, all things are possible. Without Him, we can do nothing. Chadwell mentions that we were created to have a relationship with God. That relationship should be repentance, followed by praise, thanksgiving, and gratitude. The Apostles did miracles in the name of Jesus. Is there any reason people of faith should not be able to do miracles today with God's help? It's the only way.

People are putting their faith in Trump. But Trump is a man. They put faith in politics, but politics is just a way to decide which men or women will lead us temporarily. But again, these are just people. We need to put our trust in God, who cannot be tempted, and whose judgements are always correct.

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