Saturday, June 15, 2024

Pointing to What Is Wrong, Hopefully to Make Things Right

 I have to run pretty soon, but also at PJ Media C.A. Skeet has a piece entitled Behold the Monster You Created. It is a series of the most obnoxious of the leftist pathologies facing the nation today that were either supported by the liberals, or passively ignored by them because they were not immediately affected. These have now come home to roost at the gates of their communities. Skeet concludes with this:

You supported every act of violence, censorship, social coercion, government repression, and outright insurrection so long as it was seen as beneficial to advancing your agenda and, more importantly, as long as it never affected you personally. These shock troops are disciples of the secular religion that you — yes, you, traditional liberals — have propagated for decades. With your winks and nods, you have taught them that trampling other people's rights in pursuit of your cause du jour is both permissible and preferable.
And the entire time, you told us that "this is what democracy looks like."
You are who Lenin accurately referred to as "useful idiots." But I'm not so sure that you still support what democracy "looks like," now that it "looks like" it has reached your front yard. When they scream that they want to burn the entire country to the ground, they mean exactly that. The monster that you constructed, animated, fed, riled up, and let roam free to dispatch your political enemies is now peering through your bay window, staring at you with a ravenous look in its eyes that evinces neither "solidary" nor "inclusion" with you.
Frankenstein's monster always comes home to his castle.

Please read the whole thing. I cannot take any real money quotes from it because it is all one big money quote. Gentle readers will know this, but the one thing wrong with a democratic republic is that if the majority is wrong, as it has often been so, those who can see that it is wrong nonetheless have to go along with the wrong. We may be able to correct it in time, but so much damage can accumulate while we struggle to make things right.

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