Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Real Goal of Gun Control Is Control

If you want to understand why gun control doesn't work as a way to control crime, consider Tom Knighton's piece at Bearing Arms entitled Another Example of Why Gun Control Doesn't Matter.

As a case in Connecticut--a state with very strict gun control laws--illustrates, those inclined to do bad things will still find a way to do bad things.
A man arrested in a Wal-Mart in Wallingford last week allegedly bit a police officer after he was found with multiple blades and a flare gun modified to shoot glass shards and shrapnel.
Officers to the Wal-Mart on North Colony Road last Tuesday responded around 6 p.m. on an unwanted person complaint and found 32-year-old Tyler Dowd of Meriden allegedly concealing price tags to items he was taking off of shelves, according to the Wallingford Police Department.
During the incident, police said Dowd was allegedly found with a modified flare gun capable of firing shards of glass and shrapnel, as well as a fixed blade and a foldable pocket knife.

As I have pointed out numerous times here, guns are only tools. If you ban one tool, a person who wishes to perform some task will find a substitute. In this case, being prohibited from having a gun, the miscreant chose a flare gun modified to shoot glass shards and shrapnel. The problem is the intentions of the person. If a person intends no harm, he can have an entire arsenal at his disposal and not murder anyone. On the other hand, if a person intends harm, his ingenuity in devising weapons knows no bounds.

Knighton wants to put the best spin on the gun-grabbers refusal to see that it is the people that must be controlled, not the tools. While this may be true for some very young people, you must remember that we have been pointing this out for more than 50 years. Democrat politicians were demonizing guns back in the 1960s leading up to the Gun Control Act of 1968. Guns were not the problem then and are not the problem now. These people have been proven to be unpersuadable.  Facts and logic don't matter to them.  Frankly, as with other leftists, there is no point in continuing to talk to them.  The unspoken real goal of gun control is control.

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