Thursday, June 27, 2024

These are dangerous times

Over at Bearing Arms, Cam Edwards has a post entitled Doctors For Responisble Gun Ownership Slams Surgeon General's Anti-Gun Activism. Biden's Surgeon General on Tuesday declared that "gun violence" is a public health emergency. First of all, I would question what difference is there between so-called 'gun-violence' and any other form of violence? After all, knife, sword and axe violence are just as deadly, or why did armies carry these implements into battle right up to the revolutionary war? The problem of violence is not treatable by doctors with their pills and surgery. And what is termed "gun control" which usually means banning certain target weapons is not the answer either.  The problem is both a criminal justice matter and a matter of the human heart, which is corrupt from birth.

Dr. Robert Young, director of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership, says Surgeon General Vivek Murthy's call to treat "gun violence" as a public health crisis is pure politics, but it's also part of a decades-long effort on the part of gun control activists to use the healthcare industry to push their agenda.


That was Young's first reaction to Murthy's announcement on Tuesday. The head of DRGO says Murthy's been on his radar for well over a decade, back to the days when Murthy was heading up Doctors for America/Doctors for Obama.
"Doctors for Obama was vehemently anti-gun," Young reminded Bearing Arms, noting that even back then the group was calling gun violence a "public health epidemic". So why did Murthy wait until his second go-round as Surgeon General to use his bully pulpit and call on lawmakers to adopt gun bans, "universal" background checks, "red flag" laws, and more?
"He's been Surgeon General now for three years and not a peep out of him about this. Suddenly when, I suspect, the Biden campaign is starting to realize it has to pull out of all of their stops to get their recliner-bound candidate re-elected, it's time to make an issue of this and see if you can stir up the base this way."

It may be that this is Murthy's attempt to help Biden's campaign by stirring up Democrat voters to come out for Biden. Certainly nothing is going to originate in the House of Representatives to support his call to arms. But do not discount that Biden may put out an executive order, which he knows will be struck down by the courts. But he can still do a lot of damage with it while it is making its way through the courts. And they, and we for that matter, have discovered that a lot of Americans will obey even if they don't agree. These are dangerous times.

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