Monday, June 24, 2024

As Long As Our Elected Leadership Identifies the Wrong Targets, Our Military Leadership Is Lost

 First up today is Kurt Schlichter at with Do You Feel the Draft? Schlichter notes that a number of our self-appointed betters and "elites" are talking about reinstating the draft to fill the ranks of our military.

We keep hearing rumblings from our garbage ruling class about how not enough of our citizens are signing up for their progressive army to fight climate change, transphobia, and, occasionally, in defense of the United States. But defending America’s borders is apparently racist, so we’re not going to do that. The problem is that the normal Americans who make up our military, or used to make up our military, are no longer making up our military. Veterans are nearly unanimous – vets are telling young people to stay the hell out of our broken military. It’s a disaster. It can’t win a war. It’s become an engine of supercharged social pathologies. And, according to Joe Biden, he will use it against you and your families if you get uppity.
Sign me up!

My granddaughter got a letter from the Naval Academy offering a free ride if she would pole vault for them. Once upon a time, not so long ago, that would have been an opportunity not to be missed. Today, not so much. She decided to take a scholarship from Davidson College instead.

There’s talk about automatically registering people for the draft since 18-year-olds are no longer registering. There’s also talk about registering women. What there’s no talk about is whether it’s a good idea to register women. Apparently, the idea of drafting women is self-evidently good, even after we watched a whole bunch of Israeli females kidnapped by Hamas terrorists and raped for the last eight months. No, we’re not supposed to talk about that. We’re just supposed to sign on the line, raise our hands, and go die where we are told to for reasons that are never explained.


Yeah, there’s a whole lot of trouble out there in the world, and suddenly, the Pentagon has figured out that it doesn’t have enough bodies available to meddle in all these potential quagmires. It’s not going to be too long before we see the garbage ruling class solemnly determining that we’ve got to shanghai American citizens into the Armed Forces and impress them into service of their globalist agenda. The volunteers just aren’t volunteering. Hard to believe woke ads about feelz and hugging are not stirring the souls of tomorrow’s Rambos.
Their bogus appeals to our patriotism ring hollow. Is that the patriotism where our government targets veterans as extremist threats? The government that ignores duly passed laws to reimagine America’s demography by refusing to enforce our immigration laws, or where the alleged president illegally decrees that our troops will get to pick up the tab for the slackers’ gender studies degrees? The government that conspires to silence free speech and persecute patriotic protesters while letting communist rioters go free? The same government that is trying to frame and imprison the presidential candidate who patriots support?
Normal patriotic citizens would be eager to sign up to defend the United States of America, but not so much the skin suit USA we have now.

I remember when the volunteer military was instituted on July 1, 1973. The problem with an all volunteer force was that many people did not grow up knowing anyone who had been in the military. Moreover, if we had needed a large army, we would have been under considerable stress training that many people. But after the Vietnam fiasco, many people welcomed the change. Schlichter certainly thinks the all volunteer force worked pretty well and I can't dispute him on this. The problem is that people are not volunteering anymore.

You must force them into service if you can’t talk them into joining. The military is now so poorly led, untrustworthy, and weak that no one wants to be a part of it. Why would they? Our military leadership has fully embraced the shibboleths and obsessions of the ruling class. DEI, the climate hoax, and all that crap are the priority. Killing the enemy isn’t. There are still many good people in the military, but they won’t be there for long. They’ll leave. And their sons and daughters will not join.
I’m a vet. I know a lot of vets. And I don’t know any of them – I mean not one – who is encouraging a son or daughter to join our military under the present leadership.
The Pentagon leadership is strategically inept. It can’t win major wars. It is totally in thrall to the social pathologies of the left. Who wants to take commands from a man in a dress? The senior officer corps is an absolute disgrace. Senior commanders are being relieved left and right for toxic leadership – try googling “toxic leadership military commanders” and look how many links come up. The command has zero credibility after the COVID disaster in which the military leadership utterly betrayed the troops. You can argue with it, and you can say that people should follow orders to take experimental drugs to prevent a glorified cold, but what you can’t do is expect the people you are forced to do that or forced out of the military entirely to ever trust you again.
Our military leadership has lost our trust and respect. They refuse to learn because they have no incentive to learn. There’s no accountability. After the disaster of Afghanistan – with everything from our troops being blown up to people falling off airplanes to military dogs being left to die in cages on the airfield – not a single general officer was relieved. Instead, the Pentagon was high-fiving itself over what a great operation it was and what a huge success Kabul Airport turned out to be. No wonder no one trusts our military enough to put their lives in the generals’ and admirals’ hands.
So, the answer from the ruling class will be to force normal people to join it, and it will only be normal people who get drafted. It’ll be your kids and mine. It’s not going to be their kids. Kaden and Ashleigh will get a deferment to go to the University of College and study the Decolonialization of Gender while your kid is getting waxed in a war in a place you can’t even pronounce. Oh, maybe there will be some goofy national service scam where the fortunate sons, daughters, and non-binaries can read bedtime stories to kindergartners, but that’s for them. The war and the blood and the death are for your kids. That’s what a draft means. It will not be any more fair or equal than anything else in modern America.

Schlichter tells us the absolute truth here. It reminds me of 1 Samuel when Samuel tells the Israelites what a King will be like:

“This will be the behavior of the king who will reign over you: He will take your sons and appoint them for his own chariots and to be his horsemen, and some will run before his chariots. He will appoint captains over his thousands and captains over his fifties, will set some to plow his ground and reap his harvest, and some to make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. He will take your daughters to be perfumers, cooks, and bakers. And he will take the best of your fields, your vineyards, and your olive groves, and give them to his servants. He will take a tenth of your grain and your vintage, and give it to his officers and servants. And he will take your male servants, your female servants, your finest young men, and your donkeys, and put them to his work. He will take a tenth of your sheep. And you will be his servants. And you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, and the LORD will not hear you in that day.”

The fact of the matter is that if our military leadership concentrated on defeating our enemies and potential enemies instead of tilting at windmills, they would have all the numbers they wanted, the best and the brightest. But we cannot have a military leadership that is worth anything unless our elected leadership identifies the correct targets. As long as they cling to "climate change" and "white supremacy" as our he military is lost.

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