Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Great Awakening Continues

 Kurt Schlichter has an article at today entitled Fake Conservatives and Status Quo Parties Are Falling In Britain and Around the Globe that acknowledges the fact that people around the world are waking up to the danger of the fascist far Left. The media use a term that needs explaining though, and Schlichter is on to this. The terms "conservative" and "right" are different here and in Europe. "Conservatism" here means conserving the values embodied in the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence. A conservative in England would be for maintaining the monarchy. Clearly that is not what we generally thing of as "conservative." Where both types of conservatives may have similar goals is in terms of Christianity. On both sides of the pond, conservative Christians believe we should walk by faith and follow the commands of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

The British Conservative Party, and I use the term “conservative” very, very loosely and solely because that is the actual name of the allegedly right-wing British party, is about to get destroyed in an election. And it should. It’s terrible. It’s conservative the way Bill Kristol and Jennifer Rubin are, which is not conservative at all, and its target voters are tired of it. The Tories had a huge victory just a few years ago, a shattering triumph that turned previously Labour seats into Conservative ones. And, of course, the wets – that’s Brit for “RINO” - squandered the chance to re-Thatcherize Old Blighty. Now, the Reform Party, Nigel Farage’s populist crew, stands a chance of winning seats and could conceivably become the opposition party. This is important to Americans not because Britain is a particularly important power anymore – under the Conservatives, their military has shrunk to the point where the British army could fit comfortably within the Pasadena Rose Bowl – but because what happens over there shows what might have happened here but for Donald Trump and the populist movement taking over our Republican Party.
Some commentary describes this reversal of fortune for the conservatives as bucking the trend. After all, we see leftist parties failing all over the globe. The German leftists are about to lose the next round of elections while their allegedly hard-right party grows in popularity. The upcoming elections stand a significant chance of putting an allegedly hard-right government in power in France. Italy elected a right-wing government – their popular president was the one who had to wrangle Biden in when he wandered away at the G7. Trudeau’s communists in Canada are about as popular as a chancre sore at an orgy. And in America, it looks like our leftist party is about to lose to Donald Trump and his populist movement.
But it’s not correct to look situation at this in old-school liberal vs. conservative terms. What’s happening is not a move towards classic conservatism but a rejection of the status quo regardless of the label of the temporarily ruling party. The old parties on both sides become unresponsive to the needs of the people, instead taking diktats from Davos. In each of these countries, including our own, it’s an ossified, unresponsive, and exhausted ideology that’s being rejected in favor of a more energetic populist movement that is providing answers to the problems that the establishment parties refused to touch for fear of being called racist and not being invited to cocktail parties.

Frankly, I suspect that as the Davos bunch has taken off the mask and let the world see what they really want to do, that people discovered they don't like any of it one bit. The WEF claims that they need to get rid of 8.5 billion "useless eaters." So, they are encouraging children to geld themselves by "gender affirming care." They are encouraging people to abort their children. Was COVID part of this push to eliminate us too? Sure looks like it.  They also want to restrict the food supply presumably to starve us to death. Even people who are not attuned to such things can see that this is pure evil. Indeed, Klaus Schwab could have been the inspiration for Michael Myer's portrayal of Dr. Evil though Myers claims he was not.

The claim by the WEF that "You will own nothing and be happy" rings to the average person as completely hollow. For if a person literally owns nothing, he is at the mercy of the good graces of others. He becomes like a street side beggar, with no place to lay his head down at night, no place to raise a family. One thus lives day to day, depending on the help of others, who may not be so disposed.

All this is why they are so desperate to take guns out of the hands of the average person. If Biden believed that you would need F-15s to defend yourself from a tyrannous government, he wouldn't care that you had guns. But he knows what 300 million guns in the hands of Americans may mean, and he doesn't like those odds.

Let us hope that the governments of the West are turned upside down this year, including in the United States, and we begin to reverse the damage the fascist far Left has done to us.

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