Sunday, June 16, 2024

Don't Let The Devil Have You

 We are constantly admonished to be tolerant of certain things that deeply offend God, and shock Christians.  Things like abortion, homosexuality, and other perversions.  Indeed, God is offended by our two tiered (in)justice system, for he says we should treat everyone the same.  But Alex McFarland at says that the term "tolerance" as commonly used is a lie. We should not be tolerant if we truly love our fellow man, but should admonish him in Christian love that he is going down a path that will lead away from God and toward hell. Gentle readers will find McFarland's article at The Tolerance Lie.

When I call out sin, point out errors in interpreting the Bible, or suggest that biology rather than emotions should dictate the discussion on human sexuality, I’m told that I need to be more tolerant. What exactly is tolerance in today’s society?
Tolerance is a manufactured, secular, socially manipulated and weakly constructed excuse for a sentiment. It is not a Christian virtue, a Fruit of the Spirit (Ephesians 6) or a command of Jesus. Only the “sparkle creed” suggests otherwise, and it is not a religious orthodoxy; it is a perversion of a traditional Christian statement of faith.

The "sparkle creed"? What the hell is that? I had to memorize the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, and Lutherans say the Athanasian Creed once a year. I have never heard of a "sparkle creed" and it sounds like something out of a kid's cartoon. So, I looked it up. All I can say is that what is written by Mark Waite at is a total fabrication and complete rubbish. It is ahistorical. If you want to find out what Lutherans believe, read Luther's Small Catechism. For even more insight, you can read the whole Book of Concord. You won't find the sparkle creed.

Enough of the "sparkle creed" nonsense. McFarland gives several examples of what a loving, Christian response is as opposed to the tolerance response.

Instead of, “Let me help lift you out of your mess,” tolerance says, “I support your right to live as a disaster.”
A life-changing encounter with the Son of God promises, “You don’t have to stay this way, there’s a better, higher Way to live.” Tolerance says, “I embrace the fact that you’re broken. I will agree to underwrite the lie you can't ever change.”
Instead of offering hope, rescue and peace, tolerance says, “I celebrate the falsehoods you've been told. I will also lie and tell you that the fatal, degrading, noxious hell you’re living in is a valid, ‘alternative lifestyle.’”
The recipe for tolerance could be, “two parts guilt, a dash of pity, one part spiritual blindness, with heavy doses of naivete. Mix in all oblivious ignorance available.” It is never the path to freedom; it is a guarantee of further torture, deeper debauchery and spiritual slavery.

Gentle readers are encouraged to read all of McFarland's article. One should never tolerate these things, especially in people close to you. I refuse to call a man a woman no matter that I might be accused of "misgendering." Let others play these games. Does it risk hurting someone's feelings? Of course it does. But isn't it better to risk hurt feelings to potentially help a friend live a better life?

The other side of this coin is that the people pushing these perversions are doing the will of the devil. They want you to accede to their demands because if they can get you to tell a lie that you know is a lie, they have you. Don't let them have you.

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